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9101 Lamar Ave.
Overland Park, KS


Bethany Lutheran School in Overland Park, KS provides an environment of academic excellence and Christ-centered education, sending well-equipped and empowered Christian disciples to serve in God’s world.

Registration Forms

Registration fees can be taken care of during Meet the Teacher during August 11-14.  

Tuition and Fees

·         If you would like to pay your fees online, you can fill out the Registration Day Fees form. This will calculate all fees (even tuition if you want to make a payment toward that) and allow you to pay online. A 3.5% processing fee will be added for online payments.


·         The Medication Consent form allows us to give your child(ren) over the counter medication during the school day. It is up to you what you are comfortable with us giving to your child(ren).

·         If your child will need an inhaler, epi-pen, or other prescription medication not listed on the Medication Consent form, then you will also need to complete the Prescription Medication Consent form. This will need to be printed and signed by your child’s physician. Copies are available at the school office.

Grandparents’ Day

·         The Grandparents’ Day form gives us the information we will need to invite your child(ren)’s grandparents or special friends to Grandparents’ Day on October 9th.

·         This will be a virtual event this year, but we will still send an invitation and information to your child(ren)’s grandparents/special friends.


·         Would you like to volunteer during the year? Complete the Volunteer Opportunities form to let us know where you would most like to help.

 Permission to Leave School Grounds

·         Would you like your student to have permission to walk/ride their bike home (or to another designated location) after school? Please complete the Permission to Leave School Grounds form if your child will be allowed to leave the school (after the school day is over) without an adult.

 Field Trips

·         All students must have a Field Trip form on file. This will cover all field trips for the year. PLEASE NOTE: this form must be notarized. I am a notary and will be available at school during open classrooms should you need to have this notarized..


          Photo Release

·         Can we use your child(ren)’s pictures in our publications/social media posts? Please fill out the Photo Release form to let us know!

Health Forms

·         All new students under the age of 8 must have a health form on file with the school office. Please print and complete this form and note that it must be signed by a physician.

o   If your child attended our Bethany preschool, you do not need to fill this out.

·         Kindergarten and New Students: Please provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate.